Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Do You Speak English???

Print Friendly and PDF The P-Man and I have been trying to speak a little Italian since arriving in Italy. Thank goodness for Delitalia! My almost 2 years of working there has paid off...as I seem to know EVERY food word on EVERY menu! One afternoon, we decided to eat lunch in our room, on the little balcony overlooking the sea. Our package, at this hotel includes a bottle of prosecco in our room every day! WHOO HOO! We have been in Italy for more than a week now, and I am getting homesick for some Canadian food! We decided to order a hamburger with an extra order of french fries, and drink our prosecco, to make our lunch extra special!
What happened next could have been a sketch right from Monty Python...or more likely Fawlty Towers. I was quietly reading my book on the patio, to be interrupted by the P-Mans voice getting louder, and louder! The exchange went something like this:

P-Man: I would like to order some room service. For the ROOM. A HAMBURGER and some extra FRIES!! EXTRA FRIES!! And a bucket of ICE!! NO!! SOME ICE!! A BUCKET OF ICE!! YES, and SOME EXTRA FRIES!! AND A HAMBURGER!! ROOM 516...AND A BUCKET OF ICE!!!

An hour or so later, we had not seen the hamburger, or the fries, or the bucket of ice. The brave P-Man, tried again. He was told that there had been some CONFUSION...and that we would have our order in 5 minutes.

5 minutes later we received a hamburger, a bucket of ice, and some fries.

We drank our prosecco, and split our burger, ( kind of dry...bun was DRIER!) and ate all the fries ( fried in OLIVE OIL!! Made up for the dry burger.)

I think it was our first truly Italian moment... Somewhere Manuel is laughing!

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